Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Passion

So I have figured out my passion, what gets me moving and motivates me, it's working in the nonprofit sector.  I have always had drive for it, my former and current employers usually having something to volunteer for, I always sign up.  I'm not sure what floats my boat about it, other than I can sleep at night and wake up knowing I have played a part in changing or improving another human being's life.  It keeps me humble too. I have always wanted to work with a group that actually teaches people how to improve and empowers them with the skills to help themselves.  I have found such an organization, grass routes starting from scratch, with one goal in mind, that morphed into a greater goal.  An incredible mission with an incredible goal, and need for growth, and funding.  
  I have grown so much in the last four months, learning on a curve, sometimes  flying by the seat of my pants, but still growing.  Some days my brain hurts from information overload, but still I want more.  I so want to see the individuals in this program succeed.  I want them to taste the flavors of success and accomplishment.  I already see the pride in their eyes coming through in pictures that don't lie.  That's what it's all about, giving someone a sense of self worth that once was not there.  
  So I continue on, pressing towards the goal.  Working towards a greater good, after all it's not a sprint, but a marathon.  I constantly think how can I improve this or that? What can we do different?  What is working, what isn't working.  It's amazing how consuming passion can be, but it keeps my brain firing on all 4 cylinders, maybe even upgrading it to a V-6, with the eventual goal of a V-8.  It keeps me sane.  It keeps me grounded.  I just wish it would pay the mortgage, but when one is doing what they are passionate about, "the universe will provide" a friend has unknowingly reminded me, more times than she knows.

1 comment:

  1. It's life changing to have something to believe in and work towards. And it's challenging and fun to be part of an organization that is still strictly a startup. Changing lives, one at a time!
